Mutual Aid Hub

 The Outrage supports Mutual Aid efforts throughout the city. Mutual aid refers to a political concept and type of project. Follow the roadmap below to learn more! Info sourced by Big Door Brigade and Dean Spade. Solidarity not charity. Reaches the most marginalized groups of people. People are in need because something is wrong with the system - not because someone did something wrong. Charity or social services center the “right” kind of person in need. Mutual aid believes the system is the problem, NOT the people being targeted by it. Relationships are at the center of all organizing. Mutual aid can change social relationships we have with each other. Make and build relationships that lead to new projects + understanding. Mutual aid is not a new concept. Has roots in Black and Brown communities organizing and taking care of themselves and one another. These projects can be in response to natural disasters like storms or fires - mutual aid moves from crisis to solidarity. Unnatural disasters like everyday capitalism. It can look like: aligning with reparations and redistribution of wealth. Resources, protection, support, rapid response and education. Anti-oppression and decolonial education into community building. Intergenerational support, disability support, reproductive justice, and LGBTQIA+ support. Get Involved! Bring items in for our donation collection in store and check the table below for orgs doing mutual aid work in DC and where to donate, volunteer, and request support!


BOOKS The Black Knowledge Coalition is collecting  Black, radical, and/or revolutionary texts!  Unsure if it falls in this category? DM us on IG at @blackknowledgecoalition   Collection is ongoing, pickups occur once per month

RAPID COVID-19 TESTS Sunrise DC is collecting rapid COVID-19 tests to redistribute and deliver to members of our community.  Collection is ongoing, pickups occur once per month

SHOES + WORKBOOTS We are collecting shoes and work boots - all sizes and genders. Please bring shoes in good condition, labeled, and rubber-banded if possible.  Donations are distributed to the Migrant Solidarity Mutual Aid Network, Ward 2 Mutual Aid, + East of the River Mutual Aid. Collection is ongoing, pickups occur on Mondays and Fridays.

WINTER CLOTHING We are collecting winter clothing items - all sizes and genders. Coats, hoodies, beanies, gloves, etc. Please bring items clean, bagged, and labeled.  Donations are distributed to the Migrant Solidarity Mutual Aid Network, Ward 2 Mutual Aid, + East of the River Mutual Aid. Collection is ongoing, pickups occur on Mondays and Fridays.


Group Name Instagram Twitter Donate here Donate here (2) Donate here (3) Volunteer here Request support
Ward 1 Mutual Aid @dcw1mutualaid @dcw1mutualaid Patreon (202)681-9183
Ward 2 Mutual Aid @ward2mutualaid @ward2mutualaid Open Collective Amazon wishlist Sign Up (202)688-5812
Ward 3 Mutual Aid @ward3mutualaid @ward3mutualaid Open Collective $Ward3MutualAid Venmo: @Ward3MutualAid (202)556-1315
Ward 4 Mutual Aid @ward4mutualaid @DCW4MutualAid website Target registry Amazon wishlist Sign up (202)681-3098
Ward 5 Mutual Aid @ward5mutualaid @ward5mutualaid Open Collective Sign up (202)643-7030
Ward 6 Mutual Aid / Serve Your City @serveyourcity @ServeYourCityDC website Sign up (202)683-9962
East of the River Mutual Aid @eormutualaid @EORmutualaid Fundraiser Sign up (202)630-0336
Collective Action for Safe Spaces @safespacesdc @safespacesdc Fundraiser Website A Black trans & queer org building community safety without police or prisons.
DC Fridge Collective @dcfridgecollective $dcfridgecollective
Feed the People @ftpmutualaid Fundraiser $CharitySade Amazon wishlist Dupont Circle, every Saturday from 3:30-5pm
Food Not Bombs DC @foodnotbombsdc @dc_fnb McPherson Square, every Saturday 2:30-5pm, vegan meals
Freedom Fighters DC @ffdcmutualaid @FFDC202 $FFDC20
Fuel the People @fueltheppl @fueltheppl Website Donate DC Provides food to protestors on the front lines
Good Trouble Co-op @goodtroubleco.op @goodtroublecoop Fundraiser $GoodTroubleCoop Target wishlist Sign up
Harriet's Wildest Dreams @harrietsdreams @harrietsdreams Website Paypal Freedom Fund Sign up
Healers for Liberation @healersforliberationnetwork Website Paypal Get support
Kyanite Kitchen @kyanite.pantry @kyanitekitchen Fundraiser $Kyanitepantry Venmo @kyanitepantry Sign up
No Justice No Pride @nojusticenopride @NJNP_DC Website Open Collective Sign up
Remora House @remorahouse_dc @remorahouse_dc Fundraiser Amazon wishlist $RemoraHouseDC
Total Liberation Collective @tlcollectivedc @tlcollectivedc Fundraiser Amazon wishlist Sign up
Until Freedom DC/Goods for the Hood @untilfreedomorganizing @untilfreedomdc Amazon wishlist $UntilFreedomUnited Venmo @UntilFreedomUnited Sign up Big Chair Plaza - last Sunday of the month


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Dive deeper with our Mutual Aid Reading List.


Last updated April 17, 2022